Welcome to MAUKAU.DEV

Here, you can find my weird hobbies and projects. 

About Me

My name is Maurice. I’m a Software Engineer student and have many weird hobbies. From model building to programming and photography. Here on this site I will write about new technology I’m learning and the status and updates about my projects. Sometimes I will write a tutorial for you and help you learn something from my errors. 
Since 2021 I’ve been learning how to program and manage systems and networks. In these years I did many projects some were bad some are still in development and some are paused. This blog is going to be used to make a timeline of my skills.

My hobbies & projects

One of my hobbies is programming and software development. Over the past years ive been creating many of my ideas but not finished one. I want to change that. So to keep track of what I did and take you with me on this journy I will write about the project and what I learned from them here in the blog. If you have questions you can ask them in the comments. 

I just startet with the photography, but I wantet to try it for many years. Currently my camera is the Nikon D90. I try to make many good photos in the future. If you can give me feedback or even tipps that would be very nice. 

Currently there are no projects

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Hi, welcome! My name is Maurice. Im a 18yo information technology student from germany. Here I will post some tutorials and news about my projects

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